How we spend your donation

With the income and donations, the Fundación Aldeas de Paz allocates funds directly to programs and projects in the Dominican Republic. Specifically to the province of Samaná. Voluntary donations are one of the two essential pillars for the implementation and continuation of organizational work. The work of volunteers during the years of existence of the Foundation has contributed to the achievement of multiple activities and actions for the benefit of the inhabitants of Samaná. For the Derribando Barreras program, the Foundation is the beneficiary of a grant from the Dominican government that corresponds to 5% of the total expenses of this project for people with Disabilities or Specific Educational Needs.

Aldeas de Paz – Peace Villages grassroot NGO

Aldeas de Paz is a small grassroots charity that has and has had important partners. Such as: The German Red Cross, The British Embassy in Santo Domingo, the Small Grants Program (GEF + UNDP) and the Disability Council of the Dominican Republic (CONADIS). It also has a collaboration agreement with educational organizations from the Pedro Henríquez Ureña National University (UNPHU). Moreover with the Open University for Adults (UAPA). It executes its own projects in attention to people with Disabilities and Conservation of Marine Ecosystems (Corals). The Foundation is obliged to declare before the Chamber of Accounts of the Dominican Republic and the General Directorate of Internal Taxes. As well as to present the technical reports for the Dominican Government.

Also check:

Annual Report 2017

Financial Report 2017

Annual Report 2018

Financial Report 2018

Financial Report 2019

Annual Report 2020

Financial Report 2020

Financial Report 2021

Financial Report 2022

Annual Report 2023

Exoneracion de Impuestos

Aldeas de Paz Constitution in the Dominican Republic 2016

Aldeas de Paz Constitution in Venezuela 2001

Board of directors 2022

Volunteer Work & Services

Approximately 65% of allocated donations go back to the volunteer and intern in the form of volunteer-related work and services including but not limited to. For example costs for recruitment, guesthouse accommodation, host family, coordination and supervision of volunteers, Spanish language lessons. Furthermore volunteer media support and promotion, marketing, webpage maintenance and promotion, SEO and communication with volunteers before their arrival.

Social & Educational Programs

Approximately 30% of allocated donations cover social development and educational programs including but not limited to: costs and expenses for social and cultural exchange programs. Moreover to outreach, staff salary and infraestructure.And not to miss development community programs like youth development, community development, Marine Conservation and our Derribando Barreras program.

Administration & Debt Payment

Approximately 5% of allocated donations are spent on NGO administration and management including but not limited to: communication, staff, transport, legal and accounting services. Further office supplies, bank fees and other liabilities.

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